Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

Salad fixins to-be.

I made it home last night at 11:45, so I was able to give Monte a birthday hug before it was over, after all.

We’re having a lovely Saturday, so far.  I love being home.

I enjoyed walking around the yard this morning to see what had changed in the last week.   Just 7 days ago monte planted some rows of lettuce seed.  As you can see in the shot above, by this morning they’ve formed little green lines of lettuce seedlings.

We took a walk through the park at the end of our street this morning and ended up looking for one geocache there that has eluded us several times.  We couldn’t find it again today.  (darnit!)  When we got home I looked it up again to read recent comments from people who had found it.   It bugged me so much that we decided to go back to try to find it again.  We also checked the magnetic declination (the difference between magnetic and true north) for our area and updated the GPS.  And this time we took our bikes.   We ended up finding it… FINALLY… and then went on to look for (and found) two others in another park nearby.  Whew.  What a relief.

Now we’re plotting how to spend the rest of St Patrick’s Day.

I hope you have a great one, too!