Ghost in the machine.


Ok, more like, ghost “on” the machine, not “in” the machine.   But I was trying to be clever.  🙂

This is a halloweenie treat that made it home with me from a visit at Laura’s house tonight.

It’s almost time for all those little ghosts and goblins to show up in the neighborhood.   Note to self:  must put candy on my shopping list.


Halloweenie treats.

Treats. Definitely treats.

Happy Halloween!  Each year in this house we get fewer trick-or-treaters.  So I buy less candy every year.  Apparently still too much.  This year we only had 2 doorbell rings… a total of 6 kids.  😦

These were the leftovers.



Happy Halloween!   This the season… to carve the pumpkin, don my jack-o-lantern earrings, and put a bowl of candy by the door.   It was five years ago today that we closed on our old house and officially moved into this house.   I was looking forward to living in a new neighborhood, and visions of hoards of trick-or-treaters danced in my head.

That first year, I was bummed that there was only one knock on the door all night.   Since then I’ve come to realize that the number of trick-or-treaters coming by a given house on Halloween is inversely proportional to the median age of the neighborhood, which, in our case, is about 70 (or thereabouts).  For tonight I bought one small treat bag of peanut M&Ms, just in case.  So, of course we got a bunch of kids — the M&Ms ran out before 8PM.   It seems that over the last five years we’re getting a bit of turnover in the neighborhood, more young families with kiddos.

So, watch out, Halloween 2012 will be BIG!

P.S.  this is my first blog post from my new Mac Book(!)