Jan 21, 2010

Last picture of Petey
Pretty bird

A very sad day, indeed.  Who knew that a little blue bird, weighing about 1.5 ounces would touch our hearts the way Petey has over the last 9 years.   Today was his last day with us.   The tumor in his abdomen has swollen up to be the size of a ping pong ball.   His quality of life has deteriorated to a point where he can’t move around his cage.   He’s visibly in pain.   Monte took him outside to give him one last chance to fly free, and he did (!) — to the neighbor’s yard.    He was completely exhausted.   The vet peacefully put him asleep forever and we took him home and buried him in a cedar box in the woods in our backyard.   We miss you Petey.

Jan 6, 2010

Sick Petey

In early December Petey (our 9 year old parakeet) woke up with a lame leg.  We took him to the vet and she quickly determined that he had a tumor in his abdomen, which caused the lameness.   Prognosis — not good, wait and watch.    Medicine helped alleviate the lameness, but the tumor continued to grow.    At this point he really can’t walk well anymore and we modified his cage because he kept trying to climb up to the highest point.   He’s got all his favorite things nearby… food, his mirror, his sleeping bag, little buddy, his bells (he loves his bells).  Pretty bird.