I’m so ready

Get it?

o·ver·whelmed    /ˌōvərˈ(h)welmd/      

past participle of o·ver·whelm, verb

1. Bury or drown beneath a huge mass
2. Defeat completely
3. Give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate
4. Have a strong emotional effect on
5. Be too strong for; overpower

Today is the last work day before taking several days off for a well earned vacation.  A vacation we’ve had on the calendar for over a year.  No matter how well I plan, or how hard I try, there’s no way to painlessly go on vacation, much less come back from vacation, where work is concerned.

This week has been crazy.   But come hell or high water (yes, those are my mother’s words coming out of my mouth) I will set my “out of office” notice on my mail server tonight, shake it off, and happily trudge forward into several days spent with family.   I’m so looking forward to it!  🙂


One thought on “I’m so ready”

  1. LOVE the pic – please do not forget to skip wildly once in awhile during the inevitable trudging!! ((hugs))

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